Endurance Sports Show - Run Faster

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I am exciting to be presenting a running class (description below) at the Endurance Sports Show! This is an exciting two day event with tons of booths, lectures and giveaways etc.. I would love to see you there! Here’s my lecture information:Topic: Run FasterSaturday Feb. 21 from 11 – 11:50 a.m.


Presenter: Lora Erickson, The Blonde RunnerDescription: Everyone wants to be able to shave a few minutes off their 5K or 10K, Lora will discuss how to increase your speed in running, while avoiding injury.You can pre-registered for the class and reserve your spot here. There is no cost for the class but you will need to pay to get in the event $7 (on-line) $10 at the door.

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My class will take place right after the free 5K starting at 10 a.m. Learn more about all they have going at EnduranceSportsShow.com

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Interested in a free running training program?

New to running or ready to level up for a 5K, 10K, half, or full marathon? Seeking guidance? Reach out to learn how to get a free training program!