Get Involved in the Layton Triathlon

layton triathlon

I love local events and this one is one of my favorites! There are many reasons I love the Layton Triathlon: For one it's local, so I don't have to travel far to compete. Two is something my family can be a part of (who doesn't love their own cheering section?). Three - it's a fun challenge to do two mini tri's back-to-back. This race is unique and is set up to swim-bike-run, then do it all over again; so you have to go from a run back to the swim. I have to admit it feels really good to jump back in the water after getting hot on the run. I have done this race many times, here's some pictures from the events over the years. One year it even landed on my birthday - and the whole crowd sang to me - it was pretty cool! My favorite picture below is my cute little kids cheering! The event will be held on August 2nd this year. It's a fun one to get involved with! Use the code BLDRUN and save $ (thanks for reading). Learn more


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