plant seeds of kindness blog picture

It is about this time of year that I really hope for spring to come early so I can plant my garden. But this experience will have to do for now. Last week I had a sweet dear friend surprise me with a gift. She brought me a single potted hyacinth in a little golden pot she painted. She proceeded to explain that she potted it last fall and she told me how fragrant it will be as it bloomed. I smiled realizing it was a purple flower (which is one of my favorite colors) and I love the smell of flowers. I immediately placed it on the window seal above the sink in the kitchen, so I would be sure and see it bloom.

Over the next several days, I watched each bud pop open releasing it sweet aroma. Each little bud is so delicate and beautiful. It is amazing to me that such a simple act of kindness has brought me such continued joy. What a nice and thoughtful person she was to have cared for and nurtured this plant to brighten my day many months later.

I often think about how rushed and fast we speed through life and forget to “stop and smell the roses.” I challenge each of you to take time to slow down and enjoy life, and plant seeds of kindness to share with others to brighten their day. For me I often scheduled in time to relax, mediate, reflect on life and find ways to help others. It really brings me so much joy to take even just a few moments everyday…and to think what even a few more moments could do for my health.

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