Set Backs: It's Never Too Late

never too late

For various reasons I did not meet my potential in high school or college running. My senior year in college was a particularly hard setback, while I was running for Utah State University on scholarship. I started to have a hard time breathing when I was running and would get winded easily going up the stairs despite being in great shape. It started to affect my race performances. It was strange since I did not have asthma.

warm up utah state with gloves

My brother-in-law, who is an ENT doctor, found a cyst in my neck which protruded into my windpipe and I ended up having to undergo neck surgery in the middle of racing season. Up to this point, I had improved, getting faster every year but this was the only year I was unable to because of the setback.

utah state cc lead
utah state lead
utah state with u runner

It was difficult to walk around the track as I recovered while my teammates ran circles around me. As the team captain I was used to taking the lead. It was hard to regain fitness to the level needed to compete well for my final track season. I don't believe I ever met my potential in college but it's never too late. Since having children and coaching myself I have now ran faster times than I did in college. I believe I still have faster times in me despite my age. I am really enjoying competing in triathlons now. I have a lot of goals to still accomplish. I strive to continue to improve and believe it's never too late to become the athlete I could have been. If you have a dream keep working towards it. You never know what you might accomplish with persistent effort. I'm working to be the BEST ME I can be. How about you?

setback setup for come back

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